Want to Get in Touch with the Best Technology vs Humanity Speaker for Your Event?

Have you been looking for the best technology vs humanity speaker for your event or your conference? On an honest note, looking for one of them is simply much more than looking for the demeanour or expertise. The capability to hold one’s attention, fascinate as well as entertain in a deeper way is quite complex. And it is very much necessary to be a good digital ethics speaker who can seek for attention, can share his imagination and actually leave audience in such a way that can lead them to think about what is happening and making them aware of what is been taught.

Have you heard of the seasoned performer, the well acknowledged futurist speaker and humanitarian, Gerd Leonhard? Each of his speaking engagements is tailor based in accord to the audience, market as well as immediate context and even as per the surveys and research done, it has been depicted that no two audiences ever experienced the same Gerd. The vision of Gerd is basically twofold that is to assist the participants discover and identify the ‘preferred future’ that could match with the back-story and identity and other one is to come up with the possible multiple futures that every organization or industry has to come up at any time.

Recognized as the well known and one of the most influential technology vs humanity speaker, feel free to browse and look over the topics that Gerd responds and speaks his mind into. Digital ethics is basically the ethics of exponential technological progress and success and over the time, science fiction is becoming more of the fact and reality. It is important to be aware of what is right and do we have the power to do right thing, so get the answers and concepts clear by simply listening to the clear vision headed Gerd.


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